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.Insurance .Insurance
.Shop .Shop
.Tube .Tube
.Group .Group
.Law .Law

Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

# Sep 18, 2018

.me launches domain names...

To celebrate the 10 Year anniversary of the .ME domain, the registry will launch a range of IDN scripts...

# Jul 16, 2018

ngTLD summer launches...

During summer we are looking forward to several new gTLD launches. On 21st of July .abudhabi will enter general...

# Jul 12, 2018

.eu and Brexit...

Domain names registered to UK residents or organizations established in the United Kingdom without presence in the EU, will...

# Jul 10, 2018

The local version of .gr ...

.ελ, the local version of .gr launched today July 10 Most countries have their own country code top level...

# May 8, 2018

.APP is entering general ...

.APP opened for pre-orders on March 29, allowing for trademark owners to register .APP domain names matching their trademark...

# Apr 20, 2018

.PLACE registrations to b...

For another month, anyone can register a .PLACE domain name, however on May 18th, the registry will pause new...

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