Domain news

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gTLD launches and rule changes in Georgia

On April 20th a new Chinese gTLD is launched, . 购物 (.xn--g2xx48c). The English translation being “shopping”. Sunrise starts on April 20th and continues until June 19th. During sunrise only trademark holders are eligible. General availability commence June 21 2018. All phases applies first come first serve allocation. Domain names can be registered both in ASCII and in Pinyin.

Shortly thereafter, on April 24th, .icu will be launched. The ICU is to be pronounced “i see you” and is supposed to be present and alive and to be a constant companion 24/7. Registryt helps and encourages end users to market their businesses / products / happenings on social media with hashtags #icu #iculive Sunrise is open from April 24 until May 24. During this phase, trademark owners are offered priority registrations before general availability opens on May 29, 2018.

We also would like to remind you all that only a couple of weeks remain of sunrise priority for .app. On May 1st registration will open and the trademark eligibility criteria will be removed. During the first week an additional fee is charged, usually called early acess fee. May 8th general availability opens. To learn more of .app:

May 29, .餐厅, Chinese for restaurant enters general availability. The TLD carries restrictions requiring registrants to proof of their relation to the restaurant or culinary industries

.GE is the country code for Georgia, which is a sovereign state in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. It shares borders with Russia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and has a coastline along the Black Sea. Georgia has an estimated population of approximately 4.5 million people and the official language is Georgian. Although .GE is a ccTLD of Georgia, it is alternatively used for GErmany and the US state of GEorgia as well

.ge is removing the trustee requirement and thus making the TLD much more available starting April 15th.

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