Domain news

All the latest news in domain names.

Effectively communicate your environmental friendly strategy

The worldwide ecology movement and general consumer awareness increases the need for every business to effectively spread its mindset regarding the environment; how their business and product effects the environment and what social responsibility actions they committed to.


Why not use a domain name to strengthen the communication regarding your business´s commitment to the environment.

There are new top-level domains created specifically for this purpose:
.ORGANICWith the dotORGANIC (.ORGANIC) Internet domain, consumers will be able to quickly identify participants in the organic community
.ECOFor businesses and products that help people make better choices every day
.GREENThe sustainable Web for a sustainable world
.BIOThe new global internet domain space dedicated to the organic and bio community


. ECO is the newest member of the group and has just launched. Until April 2nd reserved for applicants with trademark rights. To learn more about .eco Read more here

.ORGANIC has lifted the previous eligibility verification process and made it easier to register an .ORGANIC domain name. .ORGANIC is now available for anyone.


Let us help you finding the perfect ECO – Friendly domain name for your purpose.

Contact your Account manager or find us at below contact information.

Ports Group

Customer Care Department
+46 31 7202000

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